You may be wondering if it’s possible to see where you most likely will find love according to your astrocartography map. It absolutely is! In this blog post, I’m going to be sharing how to find where love and relationship themes are activated, and the importance of the Descendent and the 7th house in relocated charts as well as paran lines.
Astrocartography is a tool developed by Jim Lewis that can show us where specific energies are contained for us in the world. It all depends on your birth info, which I explained in my introduction to astrocartography post. Some places in the world are more supportive and other challenging. Your astrocartography map can show you where you will find more career success, good luck and abundance, spiritual connection, love and romance, and even the perfect place to settle down and retire.
This is a personal observation I’ve noticed in my astrocartography readings, as well as in my own life. So many of my astrocartography clients have shared that they too met their partners on astrocartography planetary lines using this technique I’ve shown them.
Before we begin…
If you’d like to book a personalized reading with me, where I look in-depth at your natal chart and find the best, most supportive places in the world for you in terms of love, career, abundance and/or home and retirement, you can read more about my offerings here and then book a reading on my schedule!
How to Find Love According to Your Astrocartography Map
So often people think that Venus, which is the planet of love, romance and beauty is the best planetary line on your astrography map to find love. Not so fast! That’s a generalization. We have to look at the natal chart for more clues…
While Venus planetary lines are generally lovely, supportive and harmonious places to live (it depends on your natal chart as well as the nearby lines), it doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll meet the love of our life there.
If you’re like me, you may not have a Venus planetary line in your home country on your Astrocartography map. Does this mean you won’t find your partner there? Not at all! There’s way more to it.
First Locate Venus in Your Natal Chart
Pull up your natal chart on and make sure you have the exact time of birth, from your birth certificate. Just a few minutes can move the lines a bit.
Once you’ve entered in your data, click on “extended chart selection” < “whole sign” for the House System (or whichever house system you prefer) and then locate venus in your natal chart.
Looking at your chart, what is the sign that contains Venus?
For example: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo etc.
Next, note the ruler of that sign.
I’ll include a list of rulers at the bottom of this post!
Finally, where is that planetary ruler natally in your chart?
Here’s an example of how I found love according to my astrocartography map:
I have Venus natally located in the sign of Gemini. The ruler of Gemini is Mercury. I met my husband on a Mercury line. Not only that, but it was on a Mercury DS line! Descendant angles or lines that have a “DS” are focused on relationships and other people.
I also find it a bit funny how my husband is the embodiment of the planet Mercury in every possible way in his personality and physical appearance. He’s a Virgo (the second of two signs that are ruled by the planet Mercury) and he has Mercury on the Ascendant, in his 1st house (his physical appearance, character and identity). Wild!
What if I Don’t Have Any Good Lines Close to Me on my Astrocartography Map?
If your Venus planetary line (or the line that is the ruler of your natal Venus) on your astrocartography map falls into the middle of the ocean, don’t despair. There are plenty of other lines you can look at.
Here are a few other things to look at in your natal chart before pulling up your astrocartography map:
Paran Lines
Paran lines are horizontal lines that cross the globe on your astrocartography map. You can find them using software like Solar Fire.
Here are some specific paran lines great for love and relationships:
Venus + Node paran lines
Sun + Ceres paran lines
Moon + Venus paran lines
Venus + Jupiter paran lines
Jupiter + Ceres paran lines
Jupiter + Moon paran lines
Solar Fire paran lines in Astrocartography
7th House
Look to the 7th house and the 7th house cusp. For example, let’s say you have the sign of Cancer in your 7th house. The ruler of Cancer is the moon. Consider also looking at moon planetary lines.
A Video on Your Unique Love Line in Astrocartography
Learn Astrocartography in my Locational Astrology Course
Want to learn astrocartography and add this valuable skill to your business offerings? Take my in-depth 7 week locational astrology course. This self-paced course includes 7 modules, including how to understand the story of a place as well as how I created a thriving business as an astrocartographer! Get more details and join the course program here!
Some information on Astrocartography
Astrology is a system of pattern synthesis. Astrocartography can signal and indicate the locations in the world that contain specific archetypal energies for us. When you travel to a planetary line, it won’t cause things to happen. Astrology isn’t casual. The clock on the wall doesn’t cause it to be 3 o’clock; it’s signaling that is 3 o’clock.
Timing Your Supportive Life Chapters
When we look at at our astrocartography map, we also have to consider timing. Booking a vacation or move to be in alignment with a beneficial time in your life is more helpful and we can find the more positive and supportive times for us by looking at our transits and zodiacal releasing.
For example, when Venus or Jupiter are transiting through your 7th house, that’s a nice time for partnerships! When Venus or Jupiter are transiting through your 5th, that will bring up archetypal themes of fun, romance and passion. It also depends on what’s happening for you within those houses natally in your birth chart.
I love studying the chapters and places of a person’s destiny. And I’m far more fascinated by other people’s charts than my own. That’s why I love giving client readings. I’ve been passionately studying astrology for over 12 years but I uniquely specialize in astrogeography (or travel and relocation astrology) and zodiacal releasing as travel and time / life chapter are my favorite topics to explore in a person’s life biography. As a storyteller and seeker, I feel most at home uncovering the truth within a chart. And I’m so thrilled to be sharing what I’ve learned with you.
If you’d like to book a personalized one-on-one reading with me, where we go deeper on the map of your soul’s blueprint and look at the detailed themes that will emerge for you in those specific places in the world. You can learn more details and book an astrogeography reading with me here.
Just Have a Quick Question?
I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about your natal chart, zodiacal releasing or travel/relocation astrology map here on Hey Hero! Send me your questions and I’ll look up your chart and send you a unique, personalized video answering your questions!
Aries – Mars
Taurus – Venus
Gemini – Mercury
Cancer – Moon
Leo – Sun
Virgo – Mercury
Libra – Venus
Scorpio – Mars
Saggitarius – Jupiter
Capricorn – Saturn
Aquarius – Saturn
Pisces – Jupiter
How to Read Your Astrocartography Map
Here’s some more informational content for you!
Where to Find Love According to Your Astrocartography Map
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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