Astrocartography is the astrology of place. Often used for those that wish to relocate or travel, it's a powerful tool to determine where in the world is best for you to thrive energetically, in different areas of your life, as well as the best time to visit.
As an astrologer, I combine my skillset and knowledge in traditional Hellenistic astrological techniques with astrocartography and cyclocartography (timing) to find the most supportive places for you to call home. I use professional astrocartography software and consider both natal A*C*G lines, parans and local space lines, in addition to analyzing your unique natal and relocated charts.
private reading with Helena
See where is best for you to feel peace, spiritual growth & receive healing
what you'll learn
Right place at the right time? Discover where you are luckiest in love & career
Home lines: See areas where it's best to buy property, retire or settle down
Want to shine bright? Look to places for more exposure and abundance
Learn WHEN is the best time to travel and move to your desired place
When you move or travel to a certain place, everything in life changes. Mine did.
Originally from San Diego, and after having lived on 7 different planetary lines, I now live in France where I call home. Through my years of traveling across the globe, studying and tracking the data in my own life and hundreds of my clients, I've seen firsthand how accurate astrocartography is. I've seen how I found love, experienced healing, creative inspiration, career abundance and career growth in certain places and dealt through challenge and intensity in other ones.
After the session you will receive a video recording of your session the same day, which you can download and save for future reference. Trust me, you'll want to come back to these notes! Typically my clients return back every year or so for follow up calls to determine the best ideal time for traveling to new locations, for different life activations.
Your reading includes a 1 hour consultation with me on Zoom and includes a video recording of our call sent to you via email for future reference.
ready to travel?
I'm amazed by Helena's reading's accuracy: everything was on point! Romance has always been a struggle; I had given up hope of finding it. Helena advised me the specific dates that would be best and I'm amazed at what happened. Only days after she'd told me when it was best for me to meet someone, I met a great guy, and we have now been dating for weeks. In addition to being truly excellent and gifted at her profession, Helena is the sweetest person.
Helena makes you feel like the main character in your life and it was so refreshing to receive so much excitement, honesty and love in a reading. Her energy is full of light and integrity. You can tell she is meant to be offering these services to the world!
I walked away from the conversation with so much clarity and knowledge about the most beneficial places for me throughout the world as well as places I should consider avoiding. She provided very clear and detailed explanations on the highlights and challenges of each location .
Helena's kind spirit, positive outlook and comprehensive wisdom really make the reading. You truly get the feeling that she wants to understand you as a person, which makes it not only easier to open up your heart to the reading, but it makes you feel like what she shares is truly meant for your soul.
Your way of being was so very fluid, caring and attentive. This is not standard during readings I have had. Your service is absolutely stellar! Most of all, you are so believable in the way you comport yourself. I trust you. Your whole energy reeks of transparency, openness and authenticity.
This reading made me see the possibilities of my life in a whole new way! It reaffirmed my gut feelings of why I feel compelled to travel to certain places. Helena explained to me the places in the world where I’d thrive in my career, my home and personal life, but she also explained where my past life may have been too. I found that super interesting.
She greets you with an irrepressible joy and warmth in its purest form. I felt as if she'd extended her hand to walk me through the reading, kindly explaining yet maintaining a level of fluidity. It was navigation, teamwork. She has an incredible way of relating what she sees. In a way, she helped open a channel within myself and though I gained clarity, most importantly, I gained a friend.
I have had several astrology readings. Trust me, you are one of the best. I appreciated your openness to discussing whatever was on my mind and sharing your insights about my birth chart beyond the zodiacal releasing dimension. You also have a very warm and welcoming personality
Client Thoughts
"I gained huge clarity and realization gains. Helena was just an amazing energy to talk to, very understanding, very patient and straight to the point.
I felt extremely lost and confused before talking to Helena, and she helped me to explain why all the negative events kept happening in my life and where should I relocate in order to be more successful. I highly recommend her.
"The explanations that she gave me were really clear about each country and each astro line.
I am really glad that Helena confirmed for me that New Zealand and Australia are two really great places for me. I felt great knowing this. It gave me a lot of perspectives about my life in the past and also in the present."
Taurus sun, Leo moon, Scorpio rising, Aries mars, Gemini mercury & venus
My natal promise is to uplift, inspire and connect with people one-on-one in the areas of astrology and travel (career ruler in the 9th and 7th!) As an astrologer, I give grounded guidance for those that wish to live with more ease in places that best support them. An avid student of astrology since 2011, I began offering client readings in 2021, having found that my greatest fulfillment comes from connecting and supporting others, offering clarity through relocation and the natal promise. I've lived on 7 different planetary lines and have seen firsthand how astrocartography works after living abroad.
Book a session with a certified Locational Astrologer for peace of mind, knowing you're receiving guidance from a qualified astrologer.
My team offers more than your "average" reading - you'll find offerings ranging from Solar Returns to Ancestral Astrocartography readings, Business Astrology readings, Astrobranding, and more!
Treat yourself to a magical astrocartography reading (you know, the one you've been dying to book), below.
I'm typically booked out 3-4 months in advance.