Everything you need to know about locational astrology in one magical place - learn how to read astrocartography maps and relocated charts in depth, with dozens of hours of lessons plus access your private Facebook community.
You'll have all the astrocartography wisdom needed to find magical locations around the world for success in your career, romance, spiritual growth, and so much more!
The short + sweet least confusing way to learn the basics of astrocartography, so you can easily read your map.
This easy, self-paced astrocartography mapping course builds the perfect foundation - read, and finally understand, your astrocartography map while using free astrology software so you can find your magical places to live and visit.
Add astrocartography wisdom to your spiritual toolkit, even if it's just for fun!
Learn zodiacal releasing - an ancient timing technique that reveals your peak times of importance (down to the exact day!) so you can easily read your life biography.
Trust Your Timeline reveals your most life-changing times like when you'll be recognized for your work, pivot in your career or love, and so much more!
This fun, interactive, LIVE course answers one of life's biggest questions....when?
Absorb all Helena's secrets, tools, and systems so you can build a thriving astrocartography business. Confidently read birth charts, relocated charts, and astrocartography maps for paying clients without starting from scratch.
To become Locational Astrology Certified, you must pass an assessment quiz and reading to test your proficiency. Once passed you'll have the option to join Helena's membership directory so you book astrocartography readings ASAP!
Ready to build the astrocartography business of your dreams?
This completely LIVE 4-week course blends astrocartography with remote-working lifestyle tips so you can build the life of your dreams working from anywhere in the world.
Find the best coworking space in new locations using local space, the best credit cards for free travel upgrades, the best locations for discipline and focus, and so much more.
If you follow Helena's adventures - and also want to build a sustainable business while traveling the world - you won't want to miss this course!
ONLY $444
Eliminate the noise of the outside world so you can dance through life guided by nothing but your intuition. This completely LIVE course gives you actionable, practical tools that make it easy to lead with your intuition - even when your programming, doubt, or shame try to convince you otherwise.
BONUS: Get clarity on what's important to you with a birth chart reading in our LIVE Q&A!
ONLY $333
Learn the secrets Helena's used over the years to create a slow, intentional life without feeling like you're living on autopilot.
The Slow Living Bundle's a safe space for you to listen to the whispers of your inner voice. Find inner peace, clarity, and alignment with Helena's guided meditations, videos, and journal prompts so you can create the life of your dreams - on your own terms!
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Want a "cheat sheet" so you're not confused when you look at your astrocartography map for the first time?
When you were born, the cosmos handed you a map, revealing magical locations around the world specific to you. This map helps you discover locations to find romance, build a home, grow your career and so much more.