Create a magical life in
places you love

Create a magical life in places you love

Learn how to read astrocartography maps and
relocated charts with ease 

Introducing my easy-to-follow
relocation astrology course

scroll on if you're curious

enroll here

Locational astrology is becoming one of the most popular modalities since Human Design® and Gene Keys®

A BIG awakening is occurring among souls who recognize the powerful influence of geographical locations. Whether it's facilitating healing, fostering connections, igniting love, catapulting career advancements, or enhancing focus, places hold immense power over our experiences

Think about those times on vacation when unexpected stuff happened. Maybe you met someone special and later realized you were on your Venus line. Or perhaps you stumbled upon a place that felt oddly familiar, like you'd lived there in another life.

And then there are those places with funky energy that you swear you'll never visit again, no matter how much your friends rave about them.

Astrocartography is like having a treasure map to unlock all these secrets and answers. It helps you figure out the best places to move to or travel to if you want to make big things happen. It comes as no surprise the demand for readings as SKY ROCKETED.

Astrocartography readings are in high demand

However, it's not just any astrology reading that people are after. 

People are craving accurate, insightful readings from experts skill in the art of locational astrology and astro-mapping.

Despite the abundance of astrologers out there, only a select few possess the ability to accurately decipher these maps.

I'm on a mission to share all my astrocartography secrets with you. Whether you're eager to unravel these mysteries for your own understanding or to elevate your spiritual business, astrocartography has something incredible to offer. 

you're in the right place.

 Effortlessly read birth charts and astrocartography maps for yourself and others.

Accurately tell others when to time their travels with transits and progressions (cyclocartography). 

Doubtlessly show your clients how their energies will shift based on their relocated chart. 

Learn how to use Local Space to plan your local travels in your town or city

Easily understand the best latitudes to be at (trust me, you’ll want to know this!)

And so much more from our PAST class calls and previous livestreams



Tell your mind to slow down—
you only need to hear what your intuition has to say 

and maybe a few sweet testimonials from previous students ⤵️

“It was awe-mazing! I LOVE how accessible Helena makes the content. Can I reiterate I really am still speechless on how well the content has been distilled down to a 6 week class from what I know took YEARS to learn.”  


"This was the course I have always been waiting for!"

 I’m an astro feg shui consultant. I use astrocartography to understand why people find certain homes in certain locations, it really helps me to understand the big picture. This class has been such a game-changer for me, to understand the deeper level of what is really going on.”

- Soojae L.

“I can’t  tell you how much your class really helped me to really understand.

"I'm just so excited that I've decided on this path. Since I'm new to all of this, a lot went over my head, during the call, but you had me captivated in listening to your key takeaways and how easily and digestibly you presented the material. I can't wait to learn this incredible tool and go back to these LIVE calls to learn so much more! Thank you for being so amazing and so passionate in your quest to impact this space.”

- Aaila G.

You have the gift of truly being a great educator and mentor. 

“I received my solar fire link yesterday, downloaded it and started to play around on it. It sparked my excitement again as I’ve been feeling overwhelmed (moving, taking over family business, toddler mom, starting this class as a complete newbie…you get the idea!). It inspired me to just restart from module 1. I’m so happy I did!

- christine f.

"I know I will continue to re-watch many times!"

my locational astro
students rave



If your intuitions screaming YES,
then tap the button below.  

No longer feel stuck or confused about where to go, when to visit, or how to read the story of place.

My Gut Says YES

You have an unquenchable thirst for esoteric wisdom and expanding your awareness of subjects like— Human Design, Feng Shui, Tarot Readings, Herbalism, and Astrology— and learning this practical life-long fulfills that sense of curiousity, connecting you with the most authentic places for you in the world.

Whether you’re looking for the right place to call home, to save time and money by going to the BEST vacation spots, to expand your astrology knowledge base, or you’re ready to guide people to live the life of their dreams (or all of the above!). This course is for you. 

It’s your opportunity to build a steady income stream (that fills you with purpose & joy!), and activate your creative centers, all while being of SERVICE to others.

I've experienced first-hand how deeply fulfilling this work is, and I'm here to teach you EVERYTHING I know. 

Something to think about

Find deeply aligned locations around the planet that support spiritual growth and healing.

Discover the best place to buy a home and start a family.

Locate the perfect place to find community, friendships, or romantic partners.

Spot the best location to activate creative juices and write a book.

Determine the best location for abundance, and career success to flow.

BONUS: You can apply your new-found astrocartography wisdom to your own life to create the life of your dreams, in the places you love!

Confidently help you (and your clients):

what my students have to say

Locational Astrology Course

So what makes this course unique?

I’m passionate about delivering authentic, integrity-filled astrocartography insights in the simplest way possible— while having the most fun! 

That way you show up to lead every single reading with confidence and integrity, having total clarity on where to go next. 

Plus, most astrocartography don’t marry the natal lines with the lines around the globe while also considering people's relocated charts. Using these techniques (I call it the HW method!) brings a certain je ne sais quio to your readings. 

It’s the key to offering advanced, full-encompassing readings that allow your expertise to shine.

Hey beautiful soul, I’m Helena Woods!

A fiery passion sparked within me when Neptune entered Pisces in 2011— I became obsessed with astrology.

I’m an avid world traveler, so naturally, locational astrology infused its way into my teachings. As I explored country after country, I experienced, firsthand how energetic themes magically shift from one planetary line to another. Then, in 2018 I moved to France and learned as much as I could about astrocartography. The rest is history. 

Fast forward to today, I’ve offered 2000+ readings for kindred spirits across the globe, been featured on The Astrology Podcast, Well + Good, and inspired nearly +90,000 souls on Youtube! 

I’m not a spiritual guru or a life coach, but rather a deeply curious, intuitive, observant student of the cosmos. I’m on a mission to find my fellow kindred spirits who crave a passion-filled existence, and are excited to master astrocartography!

Before you scroll any further, let me introduce myself

meet your astrocartography mentor

let's do it!

Tap the button below to enroll
as a student of the cosmos.

Ready to dive in?

What is astrology really? You’ll learn the history of astrology, locational astrology, and Helena’s origin story, traveling the world and experiencing it first-hand and also taking advantage of the energies abroad using remote activation where you are!

Foundations of reading birth charts including planets, zodiac signs, aspects, essential dignities, and chart synthesis.


Astrology Philosophy

Chart Foundations

module one

module tw0

Parans are a must for every locational astrologer. These latitudes have a dramatic effect on a person’s energy and when living directly on one, can be just as important as the planetary line itself. Learn the most positive, and most challenging paran line combinations and latitudes.


Module four

The Helena Woods Method— how to marry birth charts with lines around the globe looking at the relocated chart and A*C*G* lines equally. We’ll break down this recipe so that you can begin to master it yourself and help your clients make epic transformations through relocation.

The HW Method

module Three

6 Modules showing you everything you need to know to become a successful astrocartographer (that’s 25+ hours of self-paced content!)

Using relocated charts, we see what is being activated in all areas of life, for any given place in the world. Synthesize a relocated chart to understand the pros & cons of different placements (for all areas of life like relationships, money stories, or spiritual connection!).

Relocated Charts

module five

In the final module, we look at other considerations like local space lines, solar returns, and timing your travels using transits and progressions. 

Other Considerations

Module six


PAST Q&A class calls to answer all of your questions before you start offering paid readings 

previous class calls

An active Facebook group for collaborations and peer support 


You receive lifetime access to all content to keep your locational astrology wisdom fresh and ever-expanding! 

no expiration DATE

Tap the button below to enroll as a student of the cosmos.

Ready to add some astro mapping into your life?

join our astrology community!
open enrollment

let's astro-travel

How to effectively and skillfully read a chart and astro map

How does this sound?

Get all my secrets for finding your best places 



the results you're going to get:

Discover how to time your travels and moves, based on timing techniques


Learn how the energy shifts for a person based on relocated natal charts


Understand the best plantetary lines and latitude lines



Are there any money-back guarantees?

I don’t offer refunds for digital courses or downloads. That’s why I encourage you to make a heart-centered, intuitive buying decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m really interested, but I have a lot on my plate right now. Should I wait to enroll?

This course is self-paced, meaning you can take bite-size pieces when you feel inspired or dive in headfirst— it’s totally up to you. My students love revisiting the content at their leisure. (Remember, this is supposed to be fun!)

How do I access the course?

You’ll be prompted to make a free Podia log-in where you’ll have easy access to all recorded modules and Zoom recordings forever.

Will I need to purchase astrology software?

You can start with free online software to see parans and relocated charts. Once you start offering professional readings, I suggest investing in Solar Fire. When you’re ready to level up, use my code “Wood15” for 15% off Solar Fire software. OR Astro Gold software for Mac users. You can use my code HELENA10 for 10% off Astro Gold.

How long will I have access? 

Astrology is a lifelong learning endeavor, and I don’t believe in expiration dates for learning. That’s why I offer lifetime access to all content!

What if I don’t want to launch an astrocartography business?

You can embark on this journey for you (and your loved ones!). It’s an exciting, lifetime skill that’ll save you time, and money forever. No confusion on where / when to take your next vacation, or plan your next big move. 

I still have questions. How can I contact you?

This is an important decision, I completely understand. Shoot me an email at, and I’ll get back to you within 2 business days. 

Who’s this course good for?

It’s great for anyone who’s willing to do the work. This course is layered, and designed to build week after week. If you’re a total newbie to astrology, I recommend starting with my course: Astro Mapping For Beginners but if you're ready to dive deep as a beginner, and learn how to read charts, you'll love the dozens of hours of content in this course.

Does this course have live calls?

This course does NOT have live calls. If you want to learn how to thrive as a successful astrologer and participate in live calls with Helena, join the Certification Course

Does this course have business modules?

This course does NOT have business modules. If you want to learn how to thrive as a successful astrologer and learn Helena's tools & secrets - join the Certification Course. 


 readings for soul-mate clients


cosmic students enrolled


Planetary lines I've lived on (so far!)

6 yrs

I’ve lived abroad as a digital nomad

I can’t wait to see your beautiful self inside.



Helena Woods

 include live class calls or business modules. 

If you want to learn how to thrive as a successful astrologer and learn Helena's tools & secrets and participate in future live calls - join the certification course. 

P. S.

This course does  


 click here to learn more.