Hey there, I’m Helena and I’m a Hellenistic astrologer specializing in travel + relocation, offering astrocartography readings! I’ve been studying astrology since 2011 (when Neptune entered Pisces✨) and astrocartography since 2018 after traveling to 6 different planetary lines and relocating myself over to France from the USA. I’ve had some extremely difficult times on harder planetary lines and experienced abundance, ease and joy on more preferable ones. Over the past 4 years, I’ve lived on three different planetary lines in France, each energetically experiencing something completely different. And now I wish to share what I’ve learned with you.
What to Know About Astrocartography
First off, astrocartography is the astrology or place. It’s also known as locational astrology and it’s a tool used to determine how specific places in the world will feel for you energetically. Different places across the globe hold different energies for you – both preferable and unpreferable – depending on your unique natal chart and astrocartography map.
Living close to a planetary line in astrocartography will activate your unique natal story of that planet. For example, moving to a Moon line will activate the story of your natal moon in your chart. Going deeper, this includes the aspects hitting that planet, the houses in which the Moon rules natally (for example: wherever Cancer is in your chart) as well as the house that the moon resides in natally in your chart. There’s a lot to consider.
Three Lines to Prioritize
Aside from studying your natal chart and seeing how your planets are situated in your chart, there are three lines to consider when looking at your astrocartography map: A*C*G natal lines, local space lines and parans.
I also always start with the natal chart – which is my first piece of advice.
What are the Best Planetary Lines for Relocation and Astrocartography?
First off, I find many people just automatically jump right to the astrocartography map. This is where I would urge caution. Your map works in tandem with your natal chart. So if you have a very difficultly placed Venus, I would never recommend moving to a Venus line, even though Venus being a benefic is typically a positive place to travel. It’s important to start always start with examining your natal chart first. I’ve written about the astrocartography planetary line basics in this past blog post here.
So, what to look for in a chart? Here a few things to keep in mind…
Essential Dignity
Planets that are in their domicile or exalted in a sign are places where the planet is comfortable, how the planet can be truly felt and expressed with ease in a person’s life. Planets in their detriment or fall less comfortable, less pleasant, less ease-filled.
Natal Aspects + Other Techniques
Next, look at the tight aspects of hitting those planets in your chart. Any hard aspects (squares, oppositions) within a few degrees? Take note of any particularly hard squares to Mars and Pluto – that will bring more challenges, depending on your chart. Some positive signs to look out for are strong trines within a close orb. Sextiles are also beneifical. As a traditional Hellenistic astrologer, I also look at bonification and maltreatment.
What house is it in?
Lastly, note which house the planet is located in the natal chart. 5th, 9th and 11th are fun! The more difficult houses in a natal chart are 6, 8, 12. Also, take note of which house that planet rules in your chart. For example: if you have a Leo 12th house, going to natal sun lines are going to highlight more 12th house themes. The house is the setting; the environment where the scene takes place in your life’s movie. These houses activated will show you the areas of life being brought to life on those planetary lines. I’ve also shared my personal observations traveling and living on love lines in astrocartography in my previous blog post here.
I met my husband on my Venus ruled relationship line, which you can find how to do that for yourself here!
Where Should I Distance Myself From a Planetary Line?
There are three levels of strength in terms of distancing yourself from a planetary line in astrocartography. First, is the extreme strength of being directly on a planetary line. Living right on a line is intense; you’re getting the extremes of both the positive and negative expressions of that planet in your natal chart. If you want to experience it fully and go all out, go for it!
For those that want a calmer, more peaceful energy of that planet, I recommend the middle strength tier, which is living 150-300 miles away from a planetary line or even the weaker strength tier being 350-600 miles away. For example, if you want to move to a Mars line and reap the benefits of your natal Mars – which, while it is malefic, has its own benefits too! – it might be safer and calmer to live a distance away from it but still within the orb of 600 miles.
Anything beyond that won’t be felt and the energy is a lot weaker. Not living within orb of a planetary line feels bland, neutral and a bit boring. There’s just not a lot going on there! Also, take into consideration the local space lines and parans.
Measuring Distance in an Astrocartography Reading
In my astrocartography readings, I use an in mundo map and prefer distance-based orbs as opposed to degree-based orbs when looking at astrocartography maps.
For A*C*G lines, you want to stay within 600 miles to feel the effect of a natal line. 200-350 miles is about the same as 4-6 degrees distance away and 350-500ish miles being 6-8 degrees distance. For a planet that is nicely placed in a chart, 200-350 miles is a good place to look. Anything beyond that like 350-600 miles is weaker in energy.
Paran lines are horizontal lines that tell more information about specific places and you can find these lines are a professional software like Solar Fire. For paran lines, you want to stay within a 1-degree orb (or 70 miles).
Do You Need to Live Directly on a Natal Line?
Not at all! You don’t have to live directly on a line to feel its effects. The goal when relocating or traveling to a preferable planetary line is to stay within 600 miles(ideally within 350) or a 6-8 degree orb. If you’re doing this yourself, make sure to use professional astrology software that can measure the exact distance for you, like Astro Gold or Solar Fire. Otherwise, you can book an astrocartography reading with me here!
An Important Astro Relocation Check In
Lastly, and most importantly, check in with yourself: where do you feel called to venture? Reflect inwards and connect with your inner compass – the light that is always guiding you home to yourself. Ask yourself: do I want to experience the highs and lows, the full intensity of this planetary line? Or do I seek calm? Do I want to feel a bit more neutral living away from the line but still within orb? This is a question one must always ask oneself before relocating – or even before booking an astrocartography reading with an astrocartographer.
Your intuition is always guiding you to the best next step to take. The cosmos are a mere reflection of that which is simmering within us. And remember, the planetary lines don’t cause things to happen – they activate the natal promise already contained in our natal chart. The cosmos signify and reflect what is already felt and experienced within you. ✨ It’s a magical universe we live in, if you think about it.
I love studying the chapters and places of a person’s destiny. And I’m far more fascinated by other people’s charts than my own. That’s why I love giving client readings. I’ve been passionately studying astrology since 2011 but I uniquely specialize in astrocartography (or travel and relocation astrology) and zodiacal releasing as travel and time are my favorite topics to explore in a person’s life biography. As a storyteller and seeker, I feel most at home uncovering the truth within a chart. And I’m so thrilled to be sharing what I’ve learned with you.
If you’d like to book a personalized one-on-one reading with me, where we go deeper on the map of your soul’s blueprint and look at the detailed themes that will emerge for you in those specific places in the world. You can learn more details and book an astrocartography reading with me here.
Just Have a Quick Question?
I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about your natal chart, zodiacal releasing or relocation astrology map here on Hey Hero! Send me your questions and I’ll look up your chart and send you a unique, personalized video answering your questions!
Don’t Look at Your Astrocartography Map Without First Reading This
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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A gorgeously designed hardcover coffee table book with Helena's photographs from around the globe, this practical how-to guide includes everything needed to live a slow, simplified life. For anyone who's ever felt the pressure to do more, be more, achieve more and feels the desire to let go of the busy go-go-go energy of a time we're living in, this book is for you. Free yourself by living slow.
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