Here’s a little Saturn Return lesson I’ve learned: it’s better to deal with the short term pain than go through long term suffering.
Last year, I shared on my astrocartography Youtube channel what my predictions were for my Saturn Return. Now, while in the midst of it, I feel called to keep a documented record it, both here on my written blog and in vlog format. I do this in hopes that the experiences I have (and the takeaways I gain) will help others get through their own Saturn Return astrological transits. Both in understanding their own chart as well as providing helpful anecdotes and lessons.
Here’s what the story of my Saturn Return has been so far (and then I’ll share my chart and astrocartography map for astrology context).
I’m calling this blog series the “Saturn Return Diaries” ✨
Saturn Return Story: Denied Home
For the first time in 6 years, my French visa was denied.
And it’s been denied 4 times
A new French law instated. Making it harder for married couples to be together. An issue we never experienced since we moved here in 2018. In fact, if we had moved to France now, I wouldn’t be allowed a visa.
Here’s the central key takeaway lesson I’ve gained from my Saturn Return: the short term pain is worth dealing with in order to avoid long term suffering.
You see, my husband and I wish to live in Europe well into our older age. This has become our home. And while I love the United States, while I love Americans, their expressiveness, their warmth and enthusiasm….my values are not aligned with the country’s systems and structures. (I have talked about why on my YouTube channel here).
So in 2018, after getting married, we moved to see what life was like elsewhere. I wanted free public education and affordable universal healthcare. Alex wanted a stable, consistent paying job as an English teacher.
And after being in Europe all these years, we both can’t ever imagine moving back to the U.S..
5 years of constant moving houses, moving to new cities, getting new job contracts, paying taxes so that in hopes that someday – we would call the EU our forever home. And finally, this past November, my husband just applied for French citizenship in. At last, we are in the final stage! Now with about 1.5 years to wait, we might finally have the stability we are looking for.
But as Saturn began transiting closer to me, to my relocated Saturn Ascendent in France, I knew something physical would keep me blocked. Saturn rules boundaries, barriers, blocks. The ascendent is the self, the physical body, the identity.
And right on time, as Saturn has approached me in France, like clockwork, I’m forced to leave. Away from my home and my husband.
Astrocartography Map: The Permanent Story of France
Cyclocartography (timing) on an Astrocartography Map
Here’s a visual of how this works. This is using Cyclocartography on Solar Fire, which shows both the transits and progression in relation to place. What is seen on the map is what is happening in relation to the relocated chart. In France, I have a Pisces Ascendent and as Saturn is transiting through Pisces, this shows that in France, Saturn is transiting through the 1st house. The white line on the map shows the Saturn ASC transit.
Cyclocartography: An Added Overlay of Time
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Intuitively I always sensed that my Saturn Return story would involve solo travel, writing, creation and finding home (Saturn is natally in my 5th house of romance/self-expression and Saturn also rules my 3rd and 4th houses – the areas of life associated with writing, travel, communication and home.
But I didn’t know I’d be kicked out of my literal “home” to do it. My sweet Venus IC line in France 💕 The place where everything flows and feels so much easier, both in terms of my personal life, traveling and career growth.
Alex wants to move back to the United States so we can be together. But I keep telling him that “it’s worth it. It’s worth suffering through the short term pain so we have the long term benefit of being EU citizens. We can’t give up.”
We’ve come so far, worked so hard and gone through years of difficulty with jobs and home changes to someday get to this point of becoming European immigrants. Europe is my home. For Alex and me both, it’s the only place we’ve ever felt home.
What My Saturn Return Has Taught Me
If there is anything this Saturn Return has taught me so far, it’s to be patient. To remain practical. Stay calm and deal with the necessities.
Prioritize long-term thinking rather the the pleasure of the now.
During this time, I’m calmer than ever before. I have the stoic Saturnian nature on my Ascendent, here in France, reminding me of the big-picture benefits. Saturn is forcing me to look at the details. To refine and remember the long-term consequences of every choice.
Saturn Return Chart Synthesis
There’s no use worrying during the Saturn Return. Just calmly put one foot in the other. Reflect often. Carry a journal with you everywhere and confide to the page. And trust that the long term benefits are worth the pain. And look to your natal Saturn to determine its lessons.
Look to the House of Your Natal Saturn
What area of life is Saturn natally placed in your chart? That is your primary source. You can also add the additional detail of the relocated chart if you’ve been living elsewhere for a long period of time. For example, natally, Saturn is in my 5th house of romance, creativity, self-expression, entertainment and children. That’s the main story and that never changes. But when I’m in France, and because I’ve lived here a long time, Saturn relocates to the 1st house of identity and self. Add the multiple layers to get more details and nuance to the story.
Look to the Houses that Traditionally Rule Saturn
Aside from the natal house placement of Staurn, you also want to locate the houses that rule Saturn in your chart. What areas of life are those? In other words, look at Capricorn and Aquarius in your natal chart. As a traditional astrologer, using Hellenistic techniques, I do not ever use outer planets as rulership. For example, in ancient astrology Aquarius is not ruled by Uranus but Saturn.
Connect the houses together
Connect the stories of where your natal Saturn is placed and also the houses where Capricorn and Aquarius are housed. What are the links. Observe what’s happening and your life and note the stories that naturally arise. Keep a journal and document the unfolding. This is especially helpful for looking at your zodiacal releasing! It’s much more satisfying to have a documented record of dates for looking back on.
Look at the natal aspects to your Saturn
Look to the aspects that Saturn makes in your chart. For example, is their help and support with a trine or sectile from a benefic planet (venus or jupiter)? In my chart, Saturn trines my benefic Jupiter, so there is the optimism and resilience that helps carry me through the Saturn difficulties. But also the challenging square to Mercury, the refinement and maturity of voice and expression. But also the caution and criticalness of thought.
Is Saturn Helpful?
To determine if Saturn is on your helping side or not, determine the sect of your chart. You can do this by noting where the sun is placed in your chart and whether the sun is above or below the horizon.
If you were born in the day (sun has risen / or is above the horizon), you have a diurnal chart
If you were born in the night (or the sun has not risen yet and is below the horizon line), you have a nocturnal chart.
Your Helpful Astrological Team
Diurnal sect = Sun, Jupiter, Saturn
Nocturnal sect = Moon, Venus, Mars
In other words, if you were born in the day, Saturn is not as difficult for you. If you were born at night, your natal Saturn and thus your Saturn Return story, can prove more challenging.
I hope that in sharing my own experiences and lessons of my Saturn Return in real-time, it can inspire you to reflect on your own lessons and journey with Saturn!
I’ll see you in the next post!
Happy astro-travels and have a magical day, lovely 💕
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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