Finding Your Best and Worst Planets in Astrocartography
Astrocartography shows us the energies of the different places in the world. Our maps are unique to us, in that they depend entirely on our natal chart. Meaning our natal lines on the map are a reflection of our natal planets in our chart.
Our astrocartography map also never changes and lines don’t shift over time (aside from Cyclocartography – which looks at timing). Some planetary lines are supportive and harmonious for traveling, career success and abundance, finding love as well as retirement and settling down. Other lines are more challenging, providing more obstacles and tension when we get closer to the orb of influence of that planetary line.
In this blog post, I want to share a quick and easy guide to finding your most best and worst line in astrocartography.
Supportive and Challenging Lines in Astrocartography (generally speaking)
The more supportive lines in astrocartography are:
The more challenging lines in astrocartography are:
Uranus (sometimes)
But this entirely depends on your unique chart and the nature of those planets housed in those signs. For example, I wouldn’t recommend venturing to a Moon line if you have your moon in Scorpio (Fall).
Just as there are more supportive and challenging planets, there are also more constructive ways of working with those planetary lines in astrocartography. For example MC lines can be very constructive for Saturn and Mars planetary lines if you’re looking to work hard and build a career or new public business venture.
Let’s get into the specifics of how to find your best and worst line in astrocartography as well as the most supportive and challenging planet in your natal chart. Introducing the concept of sect!
Determine the Sect of Your Chart
This is an ancient Hellenistic technique that determines what your most positive and challenging planet is. It’s very easy to find and I definitely recommend looking into your natal chart to determine your most supportive planets and then taking that into your astrocartography map.
How to Find Your Best and Worst Line in Astrocartography
To find your most positive planet, look to your sun! If your sun is above the horizon or in the top half of your natal chart, then you have a day chart. If you have a day chart, this means your most challenging planet is Mars and most positive planet is Jupiter.
If you have a day chart, you are also sun ruled and may identify more with your sun and sun planetary lines in astrocartography – but I have to emphasize that it depends on the nature of those planets in your natal chart, which means requires knowledge on reading a birth chart. For example, if you have your Sun conjunct Algol, opposite Mars or Pluto by close degree, sun lines can be more intense.
For those with day charts, venturing to a Saturn line might not be as challenging but actually more constructive than for those with a night chart.
I recently spent a few months living on my Saturn AS line and while it definitely had its challenges and was more serious in tone energetically while I was there, especially after leaving my Venus line where I lived for the past 4 years, it was in no way anywhere near as challenging, frustrating and difficult as living on my Mars AS line.
As I have a day chart, according to the concept of sect, Mars is a lot more challenging for me. So traveling to a Mars line in astrocartography was more difficult for me because 1.) Mars is my hardest planet, 2.) I have some very hard aspects to my natal Mars in Aries and finally 3.) I am a Mars ruled as a Scorpio rising and being so ruled by Mars in my chart, going to a Mars line was much more aggressive and warrior-like than I needed. 😂
My natal Saturn is not as difficultly placed. In my chart, Saturn is enclosed by the benefics. Both Jupiter and Venus are aspecting my Saturn, protecting it in a way.
But while living on my Saturn AS line in Montpellier, I did end up getting Covid for the first time and physically just felt very unwell for a few weeks but that was a very clear transit in my chart (transiting Mars, my most malefic planet, conjunct my natal Mars in Aries by degree in the 6th house of illness, then making a hard square to my natal Neptune AND I was in my worst L3 period for the in my Lot of Fortune in terms of Zodiacal Releasing…..yeah, there was a lot to that!). This has to deal with transits and timing though. I share more details about zodiacal releasing and timing the chapters of your life here.
But anywhoo! Let’s continue on.
Example of a day chart (sun above horizon)
Night Chart: Your Best and Worst Planet (Concept of Sect in Astrology)
If your sun is located in the bottom half of your chart, or below the horizon, then you have a night chart.
If you have a night chart, your most challenging planet is Saturn and your most positive is Venus.
And this means, that venturing to a Mars line might not be as challenging but actually more constructive than for those with a day chart.
If you have a night chart, you are also moon ruled and may identify more with your moon and moon planetary lines in astrocartography.
Look to the nature of the planets in those signs
We also have to look at other things in the chart for example the nature of the planets. For example, enclosure or aspected by benefics. Saturn planetary lines are not as difficult as Mars planetary lines for me in astrology and astrocartography.
Example of Walt Disney’s chart. He has a night chart (sun below horizon).
Essential Dignities
The planetary lines you see on the map are showing your natal planets. For example, at a certain moment in time, the Moon was rising (Moon AS line) in a certain part of the world. Depending on which sign your natal moon is in, and the aspects to your natal moon, tells more to the story.
Certain planets have it easier in certain signs. Planets in domicile or exaltation have it easier. Planets in Fall or Detriment are challenged. This is why knowing the essential dignities is so important when we look at astrocartography.
Cyclocartography – Important to Look Out For
If you’d to time your travels or relocation, look to your Cyclocartography, which is an added overlay of secondary progressions and transits to your astrocartography map. This helps pinpoint the right times to go to certain places.
Learn Astrocartography in my Locational Astrology Course
Want to learn astrocartography, cyclocartography and add this valuable skill to your business offerings? Take my in-depth 7 week locational astrology course. This self-paced course includes 7 modules, including how to understand the story of a place as well as how I created a thriving business as an astrocartographer! Get more details and join the course program here!
There are many things to consider to determine how someone’s time will be in a given location. And in my locational astrology course I teach you step-by-step how to accurate read the story of place, from beginning to end.
In this locational astrology course, I am going to be teaching:
How to read a birth chart (starting from the beginner basics!)
Understand a relocated chart and spot the activated areas of life in terms of relocation
Find your (BEST) planetary lines so you know where to travel and amplify certain aspects like love, career, spiritual growth etc. (hint: not everyone should move to a Venus or Jupiter line)
The best latitude crossing combinations, also called “parans”
Local space lines
How I started a successful six figure astrocartography business
An intro to cyclocartography (timing your travels)
I’ve been studying astrology since 2011 (when Neptune entered Pisces – the collective spiritual shift!) and I’m far more fascinated by other people’s charts than my own. That’s why I love giving client readings. I uniquely specialize in astrocartography as it’s my favorite topics to explore in a person’s life biography. As a storyteller and seeker, I feel most at home uncovering the truth within a chart. And I’m so thrilled to be sharing what I’ve learned with you.
If you’d like to book a personalized one-on-one reading with me, where we go deeper on the map of your soul’s blueprint and look at the detailed themes that will emerge for you in those specific places in the world. You can learn more details, book a session and see my calendar here.
Just Have a Quick Question?
I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about your natal promise in your birth chart, zodiacal releasing/transits or travel/relocation astrology map here on Hey Hero! Send me your questions and I’ll look up your chart and send you a unique, personalized video answering it.
What is your best and worst line in astrocartography? Have you traveled to that planetary line? What energies did you experience while there?
Have a magical day lovely soul 💕
xx Helena ☀️
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Quick Guide to Finding Your Best and Worst Line in Astrocartography
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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