This is how I used astrocartography this year for maximum results, success, flow and fun.
2024 was my year of testing, experimenting, and traveling faaaar distances to experience these activations and I’m telling you all about it in today’s blog post!
I don’t want to just be talking and teaching astrocartography. I desire to LIVE it.
And did you know that you can plan your travels to be in the right places at the right times using both astrocartography and timing?
That’s right – you can travel to the right places at the right times to activate certain themes.
And in today’s inspiring blog post, I’m going to share with you how I used the first half of 2024 to travel to places that enhanced the energies and stories of themes I wanted to activate.
Jupiter ASC and Moon MC Line
At the beginning of the year, I feel intuitively that an up-level within me was around the corner….
Have you ever felt that intuitive nudge telling you you’re right about to up-level, expand or have a hint of luck in your life?
Sometimes they feel like little gut feelings or “pings” or just an overall sense of deep trust, excitement and anticipation that is on the horizon.
Well – I felt it. Big time.
At the time, I didn’t have my French visa and was forced to leave my husband and France behind (I know – scary). I took it as a sign from the Universe to take a leap of faith and trust.
So I bought a one-way ticket to Los Angeles, California. In California, I have my Jupiter ASC line (confidence, belief, faith, luck, delusion lol) and my Moon MC line going right through there (a career line, that has always given me a degree of exposure, visibility, awards and career recognition) so I thought it would be an ideal place to kick off the year and get to dreaming, envisioning and imagining all the expansive possibilities.
I had the most incredible time out there. I was constantly in luck’s path – everything from free upgrades, my first business class flight, 2 huge podcast interviews, within a few days my Instagram found 10,000 new kindred spirits, an interview from a major blog, becoming friends with online expanders I’ve always wanted to meet in-person, among many other things. I also took a scary financial leap and hired my business coach. She helped me map out a bigger plan for myself than I thought possible, like the Relocation Astrology Certification program that is running live now.
I launched myTrust Your Timeline course (which is one of my favorite creations EVER) and it ended up being very successful for its first launch. All around, it was an incredibly successful, joyous, lucky and social time.
I made the money back I invested in my business coach for 6 months within 1 week. 😱
Thank you, Jupiter ASC faith!
THEN, my French visa miraculously out of nowhere finally got approved after like the 6th or 7th application.
Saturn ASC Line
After all the joyous luck, I was craving some serious grounding structure and stability. With my Certification idea mapped out, I went out to my Saturn ASC line to put the structure in place and get the work done: course curriculum, business module titles, hired a lawyer, hired an accountant, a team, made contracts, filed trademarks, etc. I was productive, if somewhat overly serious, self-critical, perfectionistic, restrictive, and cautious. Very Saturnian.
Sun ASC Line
I needed to get out of my head and back in touch with my heart. So I flew out to the Abu Dhabi to my SUN ASC line to write, film videos, get in front of the camera, get pumped, gain clarity and overall FEEL LIGHTER after all the serious work put in.
Jupiter IC Line
I got an idea to launch a podcast, so my husband and I decided spontaneously to head to Japan to my Jupiter IC line.Going through a Jupiter opposition transit, I thought – what better way to activate this Jupiter energy on a Jupiter line! With the relocated chart looking particularly beautiful for career recognition (10th house), social community and connecting with my hopes and dreams (11th house in the relocated chart). I wanted to use Jupiter’s transit on my natal sun (rules my 10th house of career natally) well, so we went out there and launched it.
And WOW was I surprised! On that Jupiter line, we hit #1 in our category in the U.K. and Canada and #3 in the USA.
Illness During a Mars Transit
The literal day that Mars ingressed into my 6th house of illness and injury, I got covid and was sick for 2 weeks. Mars was my timelord at the time, which I teach on more in depth in my timing course here. I went back home to my Saturn line to rest and finish the remaining small details of the Certification course material, my astrocartography directory and the systems on the backend.
Mercury IC Line
Once the links were all connected and working, I launched the program and flew out to my Mercury IC line to socialize, write copy, talk online in livestreams, take advantage of the Jupiter in Gemini transit and spread the word!
Gemini season is always a time of year when I love to talk, record and write. Being on that Mercury line was incredibly helpful for launching the certification, showing up, writing and putting videos out there. The energy was bubbly, fun-loving and quick. Perfect for connecting. PLUS I met up with my business coach for the first time!
Mars ASC Line
My intuition was telling me not to go back home to my Saturn ASC line until Venus entered Cancer (homebody energy) and Mars left Aries (GO time 🔥).
I wanted to use this action-oriented, courageous, confident astrological transits well so…..
Instead of returning to an restrictive and overly cautious Saturn line, I went to my fast-paced MARS ASC line in Greece.
I write to you now from my favorite outdoor cafe in Santorini. And lemme tell you: this Mars line (as Mars is currently transiting through Aries) is FIRE.
I have never felt more productive, energized, physically awake than anywhere else. What an incredible time to be out here too. The Mars in Aries energy is just amplifying my action-taking, courage and sense of self-assertion. In the middle of my course launch, this is pretty cool!
Learn Locational Astrology in my Online Course
Do you want to use these techniques for yourself and others?
It’s time to use astrocartography and locational astrology for your travels and planning.
Everything you need to know about locational astrology in one magical place – learn how to read astrocartography maps and relocated charts in depth, with dozens of hours of lessons, past class calls and livestream Q+As, plus access your private Facebook community.
You’ll have all the astrocartography wisdom needed to find magical locations around the world for success in your career, romance, spiritual growth, and so much more!
Learn how to read astrocartography maps and relocated charts with ease in my 7 week online course. Get it once and have it forever!
I’m so excited for you to learn how to do this, too!
Sending you a huge hug and so much love,
Watch the Video on How I Plan My Travels Around the World Using Astrocartography
How I Used Astrocartography to Plan My Travels Around the World
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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My team offers more than your "average" reading - you'll find offerings ranging from Solar Returns to Ancestral Astrocartography readings, Business Astrology readings, Astrobranding, and more!
Treat yourself to a magical astrocartography reading (you know, the one you've been dying to book), below.
A gorgeously designed hardcover coffee table book with Helena's photographs from around the globe, this practical how-to guide includes everything needed to live a slow, simplified life. For anyone who's ever felt the pressure to do more, be more, achieve more and feels the desire to let go of the busy go-go-go energy of a time we're living in, this book is for you. Free yourself by living slow.
free yourself
Lead from Your Soul & Live Slow
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