How Venus Astrocartography Lines Feel On All Four Angles ♀
I want to talk about an astrocartography line I was recently living on and have just moved back to (now that I’m living in Versailles / Paris!) — one of my favorite astrocartography lines I’ve ever lived on anywhere in the world. It’s where I first found that sense of “home” in the world and it’s the place I felt the most connected and settled.
On this astro line, I envision retiring and growing old here…
I love this line so much, so I thought it would be fun to share my experience living on and traveling to Venus lines!
Today we’ll answer the question…
What can you expect when visiting a Venus astrocartography line?
Venus is one of the positive, benefic planets in astrology. She represents love, romance, partnership, beauty, design, art, harmony, ease, pleasure, and leisure. So naturally, when we think about visiting our Venus lines, those are the themes to keep in mind.
Venus is pleasure-filled and love-focused. She relished the sensory experiences of life like art, design, music, delicious foods, soft blankets, and the smell of fresh flowers.
I say this over and over again, but it’s important — the way Venus will manifest depends on your natal Venus in your birth chart.
(For instance, if you’ve got Venus in Taurus or Libra, this will be a supportive place for you, because Venus is at home, and super cozy in those signs. If Venus is squaring Saturn this may feel less supportive and more restrictive for you.)
To fully understand the themes of Venus lines, pay attention to the aspects that are hitting your natal Venus. Then see if Venus is your benefic in your chart. We find this by determining the sect of a chart, which is a Hellenistic astrology technique that I love and use.
Venus Astrocartography Lines: How Venus Expresses On Each Angle
On top of seeing how Venus plays out in your birth chart, we want to also consider what angle Venus is associated with. There’s Venus on the Ascendant (AC), Descendant (DC), Midheaven (MC), and Imum Coeli (IC).
♀ Venus on the AC angle means the Venusian energy is emanating from you.
It’s radiating out of you, rather than something external coming toward you. This is lovely for your image, physical body, and your sense of pleasure. You might be very appreciative here, soaking up all the simple pleasures of life — indulging in yummy food and drink, spending money on the things that bring you joy — while feeling relaxed and comfy in your own skin. Your self-care and self-love practices can blossom here.
♀ Venus on the DC angle means the Venusian energy is coming TO you.
This energy comes from others, people outside of you. I find A LOT of people meet the love of their lives on Venus Descendant lines, or when Venus relocates to the 7th house. I actually met my husband when Venus relocated to my 7th house too!
Venus lines are wonderful for honeymoons or romantic getaways because there’s that sense of love within partnership and romance. One of my favorite places that I’ve ever been to with my husband was Costa Rica on my Venus DC line and Shanghai China on my husband’s Venus DC line. We both felt the dreamy romance here since Venus was radiating from him to me and vice versa.
♀ Venus on the IC angle represents family, roots, tradition, and home.
MY GOSH. When I moved to my Venus IC line in France Venus relocated to my 4th house and I felt right at home.
(If you see Venus relocate to the 4th house in your relocated chart, that’s really something to look at, because people I find often love living in these locations.)
Venus on the IC angle represents a sense of roots, land, place, home, culture, tradition, and ancestry. It’s also appreciation, money, and values — one literal thing you can expect when going to a Venus line is spending a lot of money on your home. Think interior and exterior design of your home, aesthetics, or the physical appearance of things being really important in terms of your domestic, home life.
Let me tell you, when I first moved to Strasburg, France, I went to a local florist shop and bought all these plants. Like, I spent hundreds of dollars on beautiful plants, and hand-crafted vases (not the basic Trader Joe’s kinda plants if you know what I mean).
I went all out, and it brought me endless joy.
While I was living there, I loved decorating and adorning my home with local art. What a literal representation of Venus IC.
I often find a lot of people start businesses like creative Etsy shops, artists, or people who work with textiles, fabrics, or art of any kind. Venus IC lines are also one of the best places to become a mom, care for, and foster your home and family life.
♀ Venus on the MC angle represents career, social status, and public reputation.
Totally opposite of Venus on the IC, is Venus on the MC. It’s the highest point of visibility — think career, vocation, social status, and public reputation.
When Venus is on the MC, I found there are a couple things this can represent. If you’re in a financial field, an artist, or a designer of any kind, this is one of the best places to be recognized.
Often someone who moves to a Venus MC line, if they’re not working, or not focused on building a creative-based career, they’re often married to someone whose reputation is very connected with that Venusian side of life.
Shout out to all my designers, creatives, and artistic people — record those videos, paint or work with fashion on your Venus MC line. And even if you decide not to move to Venus MC line, going to that place in the world will still inspire your creativity and gift you with amazing ideas for your business.
Remote Activation in Astrocartography
Let’s say you’ve got a Venus MC line going through Italy. You could visit Italy and feel passionately about Italian clothing, fabrics, textiles, or leather handbags. You might feel so inspired by Italian fashion culture that when you go back home, you take all the ideas and infuse them into your design business in your home country.
This is remote activation. It’s literally visiting somewhere, getting inspired, then bringing your newfound ideas somewhere else, and implementing them in your business!
My Venus line is my home. I love it so much.
Astrocartography changes people’s lives, allows opportunities to open up, and affects your quality of life. It’s such an magical technique in astrology, and I hope that you have a fun journey playing with Venus in your map.
If you’re excited to see how Venus shows up in your birth chart, or where your Venus lines are located on your map, book an astrocartography reading with one of my talented (and certified!) Relocation Astrologers.
Ready to learn this yourself and become an astrocartographer? Check out my Relocation Astrology and astrocartography courses here!
Have a magical Venususian day.
P.S. I just looked at my new favorite app Planetaro and it’s literally Venus hour as I’m posting this blog post on Venus lines! How magical is that?!
Learn about Venus Lines in Astrocartography on Youtube!
How Venus Astrocartography Lines Feel On All Four Angles
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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