Hello lovely! I’ve been feeling so inspired and uplifted by my morning routine lately, one that I now call my magical morning practice. Our joy for the day begins the minute we wake up, so having a system and structure in place each day that you can lean on when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning is so important! I am a believer in conscious living as opposed to the more reactivedefault living, a.k.a. instead of letting circumstances dictate how I feel, I am in charge of how I feel each day. I decide whether I am going to feel appreciative of my life and the simple joys that are included in it or I get to decide if I want to live in scarcity, comparison and lack. The amazing thing about being human is that we have a choice in how we decide to look at life. We have the ability to determine our future and redirect our emotions. When you get really good at not emoting based on circumstance, you take your power back. And for me, nothing brings me more joy, fun, light-heartedness and abundance in my life than my magical morning practice. I’ve played and tweaked countless morning routines over the years, but this last year during quarantine, I’ve really honed in on what energizes and excites me, and I’ve learned how to ride effortlessly on that glorious wave of appreciation created in the morning throughout the rest of the day – even when circumstances aren’t preferable.
“The cosmos deals in the currency of emotion. When we feel good, goodness flows.”
A magical morning practice is one that feels good. My goal for my mornings is to connect with my spirit, align deeply with the heart of my true self before the day’s thoughts and reactions from the ego begin creeping in. When we wake up, it’s essential that we get on the appreciation train. It’s paramount that we feel joy and excitement before we get started on work and responding to people. The whole point of a morning practice is to get yourself pepped for another mysterious and magical day on Earth! The goal is to raise your vibration, your energy so that your natural set-point energetically is hopeful, excited and appreciative.
A Quick Word –
I’ve written about the concept of alignment before action many times on this blog, as I’ve listened and studied much of the work of Abraham Hicks (since 2016!). Now before you roll your eyes at the mention of Abraham Hicks, know that I am right there with ya: I’m still quite skeptical of the whole thing even though I’ve been following their words for years. But here’s what I’ve gathered: who cares who said it – as long as it works. If it positively benefits one’s life, and there is evidence and proof time and time again from experimenting with these ideas – I don’t really care about the how. If it works, it works. And in my life, nothing has worked more than aligning my thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions to the vibration I choose them to be at.
There are two rules to a magical morning practice –
It needs to feel good doing it! 🤗
It is completely and entirely focused on you, babycakes 💃
Your magical morning practice is not for anyone else. It’s not to be seen and compared to by your friends, your partner, your followers on social media – this is your sacred time. How many hours in our days are spent focusing on other people? Responding to other people’s emails, working with other people, sharing life with someone else, having conversations with others. There is plenty of time in the rest of the day to share and give, reciprocate and serve. But this is not the time for that. This is a time for you. This time in the morning is meant to dazzle and delight you, it’s meant to open you up to the magical and hidden mysteries of your inner world and to remind you that life is beautiful and worth celebrating. Your magical morning practice is not the time to scroll on social media or respond to emails. It’s a time to get quiet and listen to the inner whispers of your heart, the whispers that can only be heard when you get really still and silent. This is why I always start my morning with….
Meditation is the first thing I do each morning. We are most connected to our energetic body, our essence, our spirit first thing when we rise. After rest and slumber, we’re immediately plugged in. It’s also great to do this because it’s the foundation for the rest of your day. Slowing down, dropping into your body, tuning into your heart center – this is where the rest of the day unfold. With a strong connection to oneself, life is limitless.
It’s taken me years to develop a solid meditation practice, but today I meditate for 10 minutes in silence while laying in bed. I just cross my arms on my chest, focus on my breathe and stare at the back of my eyelids. I don’t use timers anymore (I love Insight Timer), as after doing it enough times, my body instinctively recognizes when the 10 minutes us up. When I got started, guided meditations were my jam. Listening to someone guide you through meditation is a lot easier. I’ve actually recorded 4 free guided meditations that you can download here!
Note: My phone is on airplane mode when I sleep and I don’t check it until after my magical morning practice is over, however, if you immediately grab your phone first thing in the morning, which many do, I recommend starting a voice memo practice, which I write more about down below! 🙂
Drink a Big Glass of Water
Hold up – rewind… Before I even meditate in bed, I drink the entirety of the big glass of water I put on my nightstand before going to sleep the night before. Sometimes I’ll fill up a water bottle if I’m feeling dehydrated. Water is so underrated. It’s simple, it’s the most magical drink in the universe. Try waking up your body with a lot of water, instead of coffee, and you’ll see it works!
Open up that throat chakra! Sing your heart out to an album you love! Chant, hum and croon while making your bed or pulling out your yoga mat! Singing and humming opens me up to speak and sends me the confidence to share my voice.
Stretching out your muscles first thing in the morning is often seen done in the movies but how often do we actually stretch our bodies first thing when arising? So many of us just go straight to our phones, slump out of bed and head to the toilet. Joyful habits make space for more joyful things to flow in! You can do some stretches in bed like Tara Stiles or unroll your mat and breathe deeply into child’s pose like I do!
Tapping is a quick, easy and free way to feel good and get into alignment in the mornings. I do this every morning when I wake up and it’s been a GAME CHANGER in my life. After stretching on my mat, I sit down cross-legged and tap on the meridian points – either on any blocks / fears that have come up recently or feeling good for the day. Often in the morning, I tap on feeling good for the day, trusting in life and life’s blessings and I just bask in that pleasure and joy and delight of being alive. I always feel fantastic after tapping, and it’s so easy to do! When I want to tap with someone else, I turn to this tapping with Gala (highly recommend her tapping videos on Youtube!)
Moving your body to the pleasure of your soul is such an easy and quick way to elevate your mood and liven your energy. Dancing is my instant go-to way to feel good! And I often don’t need the motivation to blast some energetic music and get movin’ in my pj’s! But on the days when it’s harder to get up, I love to dance with people on Youtube, specifically these magical humans.
Voice Memo
I learned about this joyous practice from Gala Darling and it’s been such a fun manifesting practice! Record a voice memo on your phone sharing the simple joys you’re especially appreciative of right now – talk as long as you like until you are just flowin’ in those light, appreciative vibes! Then, after you’re feeling grateful and abundant with what you have presently in your life, record a second voice memo of how your day went – in the past tense! That’s right: in the morning, say aloud exactly how your day went, what you did, how you felt, and bask in the appreciation of the day that you will soon have. THEN, (!!) record a third voice memo talking about your future life in the past tense (as if you already have it now), and share all about the details of your life that you love and bask in those feelings of appreciation!
I started doing this in the Fall of 2020 and it radically brought so much goodness into my life, but most importantly I feel so damn good and joyful when I verbally speak my appreciation out loud. I now have a magical morning practice partner – whom I met online – and while we’ve never met in real life yet, we send each other memos and encourage and support each other so much, we have become such kindred spirits! Sharing your memos to a friend each morning is crazy powerful, so if you’re not feelin’ shy, send it to a few friends and see who resonates with it and might like to join you! It only takes a few minutes each morning, but it’s a wonderfully aligning practice.
Dress up with Joy!
After sending my voice memos, I play dress-up, just like a kid might! Meaning I put on music, go to my closet and accessorize away! I love putting on perfume each morning, lots of rings and bracelets and I put on light makeup (always lipstick). Getting dressed up every day is such a fun and playful activity! When we treat getting dressed as a time to play and be creative, this simple task becomes such a simple joy! It’s one of my favorite parts of the day.
Journal or Rampage of Appreciation
At this point in the morning, I get my journal out and start writing. Using your hand to scribble out ideas, thoughts, dreams is such a beautiful way to connect your heart and body! I’ll write short stories, beautiful visions, observations, anything I feel inspired to get pen to paper. I light up with a bright pink gelly roll pen and my favorite notebook and even though I live a very slow life, I actually get energized by the to-do list creation of my morning. I love having an idea and structure for the day. Before I actually begin working, I always do a rampage of appreciation, which is basically writing your appreciation and gratitude until you feel so high with life! If writing with a pen feels like a drag, pull out your laptop and just write flow of consciousness style all the little simple joys that are right in front of you – “I love my water glass, I love how hydrating water is for my body, I love my pastel-colored markers, I love this dress I’m wearing, etc – and then move to more general things “I am so grateful for my healthy and resilient body; my immune system ROCKS! I’m so appreciative for my hands, my thumbs, my eyesight – oh to see LIFE! This world is so beautiful and filled with light and color and beauty and I’m so happy I get to see it! What a blessing! Ahhhhh!! I f**** love life!!” until you are feelin’ so alive and joyous that it’s time to go into the world and light the planet UP. After this, I begin to create and take inspired action.
So, that’s how I start my day! That’s my magical morning practice. It’s fun, it’s celebratory and it’s so very, very appreciative. It doesn’t take long to do – about an hour on average! But each day is different. Some days I don’t want to write in my journal or dance to music. Some days are slower and I’ll go for a quiet walk outside or meditate for longer. Some days my dancing flows softly, other days more enthusiastically. I flow with the energy of the day, flow with the action my body is calling me to do. Nothing is ever set in stone and as with how I approach everything in life, my routines and responses are very intuitive, in harmony with the rhythms of my spirit. Stay open, be flexible and do the things that bring you joy! 🙂
I hope this post inspires or uplifts you on your journey. Have a magical morning!
My Magical Morning Practice – How to Feel Joy Everyday
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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