Hello from a little cafe overlooking the city of Yokohama, Japan.
I write this with the ounce of strength I have to sit up straight and type out these words.
I got Covid.
And you know what’s wild, kindred spirit?
I knew this was coming!
Or at least, I knew I had to take precautions before May 1st.
The last time I got Covid (and was subsequently knocked out, bed-ridden and out of work for 2 weeks) was when Mars was transiting through Aries in the summer of 2022.
The last time Mars was in Aries was that summer, two years ago. And that was the last time I got Covid.
Every time Mars (my malefic planet, and the ruler of my physical body) transits through Aries (my 6th house of illness), I get sick, injured OR burnt out.
But it’s especially important right now, because Mars is my activated “lord of the year.” And I’m in a 6th house profection year.
Meaning whatever Mars is doing this year, and whatever is going on in my 6th house, in my 29th year of life, is especially important, more important than any other planetary transit.
This is annual profections. I teach on this in my Trust Your Timeline course which I highly recommend joining if you want to understand (more in depth) timing your life using astrology! We’ll be having our next live class rounds this summer and the live class examples are SO helpful for understanding the many various timing stories. Join here!
You can see here in this chart example, Mars entered Aries (my 6th house) on May 1st. Being a Scorpio rising (the ascendent being the physical body of the person), that makes the planet Mars the ruler of my physical body. I’m a traditional astrologer and thus I use traditional rulership. So when I want to look into how I’m doing health / vitality wise, I’m looking at what’s happening with Mars in terms of transits.
When Mars enters my 6th house, it also always makes a sign based square to Neptune, which generally weakens the body and vitality. It can result in tiredness, sluggishness, misdirection, confusion in action and also misdiagnosis/not getting clear answers on health issues, especially when it’s involving the ruler of the physical body and the house of illness like it does in my personal example).
TIP: In terms of making predictions, we want to look at transits passing through the 1st house, 6th house and the RULER of the ascendent. Especially if you’re in a 1st and 6th house profection year.
Difficult Health Periods in Zodiacal Releasing
In Zodiacal releasing (an ancient timing technique) we can also see our health periods using the Lot of Fortune, and if they are challenging or helpful.
I also just recently entered a challenging health period in my zodiacal releasing, which you can see in the image below. Literally a few days before I started receiving symptoms on May 1st.
On April 27th, I entered a Cancer period which is a challenging period for me. Couple that with the annual profections and the transits – wow!
This is why I encourage my students in my Trust Your Timeline course to look at multiple techniques. Start with zodiacal releasing, then add the transits and annual profections. When you see multiple techniques showing the same exact specific story (this story being health), that’s when it’s time to start taking preventive precautions.
Our Intuition’s Guidance
I believe the cosmos is a reflection of what is happening for us. And our intuition is our compass.
I had the strongest gut knowing in the pit of my stock before we left. I felt this knot of worry, of slight unease, and I couldn’t figure out why. I love traveling….I love being on the road. My Jupiter IC line is in Japan and I was so eager to check it out during this special transit I’m going through right now, which is activating that Jupiter as I’m currently in a Jupiter opposition, and Jupiter is transiting over my sun.
And to be honest, I don’t really want to be in France right now; I want to live out of my suitcase, document the astrocartography journey in real time and write my book. I just want to LEAP and go for it – like the Mars in Aries soul I am!
Despite all of this, a few weeks ago, right before we left for our trip to Japan and in the days leading up to the flight, I told my husband I was a bit concerned about the trip and didn’t know why.
And so I then pulled up the transits and saw that Mars was entering Aries May 1st, and with Mars being the ruler of my physical body and being activated this particular year, I expressed my concern to him. And my husband trusts my gut 10000%. For years in our early dating days, he would be shocked when I would get psychic flashes or gut feelings about random things and they would happen. For example, I would randomly bring up someone I hadn’t talked to in years and that day we’d bump into them on the street or they’d text a few hours later. Big things and small things. And now, it’s happened so many times throughout the years we’ve been together, he’s come to expect it. Anytime my gut randomly senses something, he pays attention.
Storytime!Recently, while exploring the Geisha district in Kanazawa Japan, after having Japanese tea and delighting in the small shops, I had a random lightning bolt of a knowing feeling drop in, where I felt a cat was approaching us. I excitedly expressed aloud to Alex immediately, saying “Alex, we’re about to meet a cat!” Mind you – there was no indicator of a cat. No imagery, no sounds, nothing. We hadn’t seen any cats in days. But it was this psychic flash that came out of nowhere! That came in like a water droplet. In less than a second. Sure enough, a minute or so later, we walked down the street and turned the corner, and there was a cat. It was the only cat we saw that entire time in Kanazawa and since then. I know this seems like a small thing – but this is how we develop our intuition and our psychic abilities. When we sense something, instead of pushing it aside and thinking it’s silly, we trust in it. The more you trust in it, the more those intuitive downloads consistently appear.
What I Learned From this Experience
I’ve learned a great deal of humility from this experience.
I knew I might be having some challenging health things come up during this trip, but at the same time, even when I see challenges on the horizon, I never let it dictate my choices in life. I refuse to allow astrology to dictate my perspective, my choices, my outlook on my life.
And because of this, even if I see something difficult coming up in the transits, I take precautions but I don’t let it affect my perspective. I don’t allow it to cloud my judgement. For instance, I have extremely hard health transits in my early 40s…but am I going to let that affect my world view/mental outlook/ choices today? Not at all!
I recognize this may be easier for some and harder for others to take in. And not everyone should be an astrologer for this very reason.
If you can’t take the good with the bad, it’s probably best to enjoy learning astrology for fun and not eat/breathe/sleep this amazing tool.
I’m able to navigate astrology in a healthy and positive way because I am able to emotionally separate myself from even my own transits. I enjoy Buddhist philosophy and I’ve been meditating for years – that helps too. 🙂
And at the same time, this experience has taught me to take more precautions going forward. I saw these transits and I didn’t take preventive measures in advance. To be honest, I feel a bit stupid. I told my husband literally a week ago that I needed to pick up masks just in case we were in crowded, tight spaces to prepare for this period. And my Jupiter on the ascendent self was like “It’ll be fiiiiine!! Relaaaax!” Jupiter on the ascendent is helpful for a lot of things, but preparedness and precaution is not one of them. That’s Saturn’s job.
And I wish I took more precaution and took action on that gut knowing to pick up some masks BEFORE I hit that Cancer Zodiacal releasing health period.
But I feel like I learned a valuable lesson. And I’ll remember this story and use it as a great teaching example.
I’m starting to feel a bit tired (I seem to get a few hours of writing waves and then fall back asleep….send good healing vibes that this Covid fatigue passes soon!) I’ll see you in the next blog and podcast update, friend!
Which by the way…
Be sure to subscribe and tune into the Cosmic Compass podcast to hear my stories from the road as I travel to my astrocartography lines and as I uplift, inspire and expand you to follow your own cosmic compass!
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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