Uranus Transits in Astrocartography and Astrology: Love Or Fear Them?
I cover personal planets — Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars — more often because, in ancient Hellenistic astrology, their impact on our charts is the most important. These are the five traditional planets. The planets most personal to us.
But that doesn’t mean the outer planets — Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, — don’t influence us.
So today we’re shakin’ things up a bit (pun intended )
We’re covering the importance of Uranus, how Uranus transits influence your life, and my personal experience having Uranus on my natal Sun.
Who’s Uranus, really?
I can’t lie, Uranus is a weird one.
Uranus is a powerful planet, although I usually associate the keyword power with Pluto. Uranus transits bring massive amounts of change — it’s the planet of authenticity, rebellion, suddenness, revolution, freedom, breaking boundaries, and the unexpected.
I always think of the Tower tarot card when I think of Uranus. It’s this big lightning bolt striking, creating sudden breakthroughs out of nowhere that causes something in our lives to crumble. But the destruction, the Tower falling, is necessary.
Uranus moves slowly — it takes 7-8 years to move through a zodiac sign.
For example, Uranus moved into Taurus in 2018 and will remain in Taurus until July 2025, before moving into the sign of Gemini. But it doesn’t feel slow in its impact, hence the lighting strike analogy. It zaps you suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere.
(P.S. Uranus has been transiting Taurus for the last 7 years. Be sure to pull up your natal chart and look at where you have Taurus in your chart before you continue through this blog.)
But because Uranus is a slow-moving outer planet and because I’m a traditional astrologer using ancient Hellenistic techniques, I don’t subscribe to outer planets ruling over a zodiac sign. I study and practice core ancient teachings of astrology— so Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus don’t rule over signs. Many modern astrologers associate Uranus with Aquarius. And I will say, Uranus has many connections and similarities with Aquarius, but as a traditional astrologer, I don’t associate Uranus with Aquarius.
My Uranus transit — it’s giving big screw-it energy.
When you have Uranus transiting an area of your life, or hitting a personal planet in your chart, it affects you for several years. It’s an entire chapter of your life.
Personally, Uranus has been transiting directly over my natal Sun in Taurus for the last two or three years until it went exact last year in 2024.
When I tell you I have NEVER felt more authentic in my entire life, I’m not exaggerating!
It’s giving big screw-it energy.
I don’t care what anyone thinks. I’m done with people-pleasing. I’m done being the nice girl who gets pushed around or taken advantage of. I’m going to be unapologetically me — if it ruffles feathers, so be it. That’s Uranus over Sun energy for you, and it’s been an overarching theme I’ve been going through for many years.
In April 2022 when I was living in Corsica, France, I wrote a post on Instagram about entering my “villain era”.
I don’t know if you remember, but at the time, villain-era content was huge on TikTok and YouTube. So I ran with it and started making content around because I loooove the Disney Villains and because it applied to how I was feeling personally.
It’s not like you become mean or cruel when you experience a Uranus transit or anything like that. It’s just a powerful time in your life when you’ll realize you’re done people-pleasing, catering to other people’s expectations, or harboring resentment inside yourself.
It’s a time to LET IT GO.
I realized I was resentful towards other people for doing what they wanted me to do. It made me tired, stressed, and even sick. And I refused to do it anymore. Essentially my Uranus transit made me realize I needed to release the “should’s” and expectations placed on me by others and focus on what I want to do.
I have let go of the former people-pleaser version of Helena that I’ve been since my teenage years, even my childhood. No more playing small, dimming my light, or losing sleep stressing about other people’s opinions.
But Uranus transiting over my sun really activated and sped it up!
It’s not narcissistic. It’s not egotistical. It’s me being true to myself.
You might experience this too when you’re going through your Uranus transit. If your Sun’s in Taurus, you’ve already gone through this at some point in the last 7 years.
Geminis, get ready! It’s an exciting time.
Uranus in your birth chart (with examples)
When we’re talking about Uranus transits, we track how and where Uranus is moving toward planets in your chart.
If it’s applying to a planet, it’s increasing and beginning a story. When it becomes exact, within zero degrees or one degree, that Uranus transit becomes very noticeable — you’re actively feeling its energy in your life.
You’ll also experience this when you’re moving through your Uranus opposition in your early to mid-40s. We call this your Uranus opposition — which is when Uranus transits your natal Uranus placement — but a lot of people like to call it a midlife crisis. It’s a time in your life where you think “Whoa, what have I been doing all this time? This isn’t working for me anymore. I need change.”
I see this all the time with my astrology clients.
Uranus transiting over your natal Sun can bring up themes of what you want to achieve, or what you’re striving for. Because the Sun in your chart is what you aspire to become, your goals, and your ambitions.
I personally have my natal Sun ruling my 10th house of career. So I have Leo in the 10th house of career, meaning it’s ruled by the Sun. Any transits that happen over my natal Sun affect not only the topics of the Sun, but also my 10th house, career, public image, and how I want to be known and seen.
This is rulership in astrology. And it’s very important!
(P.P.S. Chart rulership is more intermediate astrology. If you want to level up your astrological skills I invite you to join my Astrocartography course. I also teach on the basics of how to read birth charts in this course. Don’t worry, it’s beginner-friendly. )
Uranus over the Sun represents spirit because the Sun is associated with spirit in astrology. Who are you? What’s authentic to you? Who do you want to become? What does authenticity look like at this point in your life?
The other Uranian theme is authenticity.
Another lesson I’ve learned during my Uranus transit is this — if you aren’t truthful to who you are, like really deep down, you will become resentful. You will resent yourself and everyone in your life who you feel’s blocking you from becoming your authentic self. And it makes you sick and stressed.
It’s excruciatingly painful to not be who you really are.
Uranus reminds us we cannot be anyone else. And it will be painful for us if we force or mold ourselves into someone we’re not.
This especially applies if you have Uranus on your Ascendant, (aka you have Uranus in the 1st house) or you have a Sun Uranus aspect that’s really tight, like my Sun exactly trines my Uranus at zero degrees. It’s the strongest aspect in my chart. If you have that, especially if they’re tight with an orb, you have to be yourself.
You gotta do you. You have to go your own way.
Psychic Abilities with Uranus Aspects in the Natal Chart
One little point to add to this — people who have Uranus aspects to personal planets, especially Mercury, the Sun, and the Moon are usually super psychic. I’ve noticed, a lot of very psychic people, have personal planets with tight aspects to Uranus or Neptune. Especially supported aspects like sextiles, trines, and sometimes conjunctions.
People who have that signature in their birth chart usually have their finger on the pulse, and sense things before they happen. It’s that lightning in a bottle, eureka moment of inspiration and knowingness.
The thing about Uranus transits you should know about is whatever house Uranus is transiting in your chart will show where you’ll have massive pivots, disruption, shake-ups, and changes going on. For instance, if you have Uranus transiting your 11th house of friends and community, you might find those 7-8 years when Uranus stays in a zodiac sign, you undergo lots of changes within your friends and community dynamics.
You might be asking yourself — What do I need in a friend? What friendships are important to me? Are my friends lifting me up or holding me back?
My husband has his Moon in Taurus, and so Uranus has been transiting over his natal Moon for 7 years. He’s felt very unsettled with his living situation, moving every year, getting a new job contract every year, and constantly on the hunt for houses.
My sweet Taurus Moon husband needs safety, stability, and security. And he hasn’t felt that in a very long time…
But, when Uranus leaves Taurus and shifts into Gemini Summer of 2025, it’ll leave his Moon alone which will feel a lot more settling and comfortable for him.
Uranus Transiting the Natal Moon
So what to expect when Uranus is transiting over your natal Moon?
Your home life gets completely disrupted, or your relationship with your parents might feel more separated. Many people tend to move locations when Uranus transits their 4th house. And the biggest thing I see overall, working with clients, is when Uranus is transiting your Moon — you don’t feel settled, comfy with your living situation, or you seek more emotional safety and security. Home life feels unpredictable or unsettling.
Uranus will revolutionize your life.
Uranus shakes things up and spits you out on the other side as a free-spirited, unconventional, semi-rebellious version of yourself. Someone who doesn’t give a sh!t about the status quo.
It’s like a sudden experimental cosmic, masterpiece that kind of just happens.
I encourage you to look forward to Uranus transits.
If you have a Uranus opposition coming up, if you’re Sun’s or any other personal planets in Gemini, get ready for July 2025! You’re about to experience Uranus big time over the next 7-8 years. Check your birth chart to see if you have any Gemini placements to understand how to upcoming Uranus transit into Gemini will influence you.
Trust me, it’s a cool transit.
Astrocartography Cheatsheet for Beginners
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