I’m writing this from a little cafe in Dubai after enjoying the most delightful walk on the beach. I just ordered my favorite eggplant parmesan and am feeling my heart being called to share with you!
Writing on my blog and sharing consistent love notes on my email newsletter is one of my top goals for 2024. I feel so connected to my soul’s calling when I sit down to write and express from my heart! How do you most like to express yourself?
I felt excited to share with you the two habits that have impacted my life the most.
I have always listened to my gut and walked to the beat of my own drum – my Sun-Uranus 0 degree trine will call me TF out if I don’t! But there have been times in my life where I’ve listened to others suggestions for how I should live my life. I’ve had family members cut me out of their lives for doing what is nontraditional. I’ve had people vocally disapprove of what I do, where I live, what I believe (*cough* AHEM: astrology is not a belief system: it’s pattern synthesis).
Whether it was dropping out of college, leaving my life in the theatre, starting my own business, stopping those businesses and opening new ones, traveling away from my husband, sharing my opinions openly online….people love to project and put their own opinions and judgments on me. Even my husband’s family does it, and I have grown to expect and ACCEPT it.
At this point in life (29, approaching 30), I am okay with all of it. Because I am deeply secure and rooted in who I am. I like myself. I believe in myself. But most importantly – I trust myself. But as a former people-pleaser, which I write about here, I used to feel deeply hurt when others would express their disappointment in me. Old followers, Ex-friends. Past mentors I looked up to and found family in. Even my old Youtube followers would express disapproval when I would make videos talking on camera instead of recording a voiceover!
LESSON LEARNED: You can never make everyone happy. And if you try to please everyone, you will lose out on the most relationship you have in life: the one with your intuition.
I just want people to be happy. I want everyone to experience the level of peace, trust and intuitive connection that I feel. So, I show up. I give from my heart. I consistently give. I share my vulnerability and express my honest opinions. I deeply feel called to serve (hello, chart ruler in the 6th!), to give, to do the work, to uplift, encourage and inspire those around me – just by living my life.
And I’ve realized that following my natural excitements is the way to do that. Honoring my inner voice is always guiding me to the next thing to do. Whether it’s taking an Instagram break, or launching a course, or doing something super different that surprises people who’ve followed me for years, I trust that voice. And I never doubt it.
These are the two habits that have impacted my life the most
1. Connecting with my Inner Voice vs the Mind
In other words, communicating and developing a long-term relationship with your intuition. Checking in daily with that inner knowing. I’ve been writing to my intuition since I was a kid. I started it with “Dear God” (and note that I did not grow up in a religious household at ALL. My deep faith in life, in something beyond, is my Jupiter in the 1st. It’s natural, ingrained, something my soul came to this life automatically knowing) but as I got older, I developed this back-and-forth communication with my intuition, my “inner voice”, that higher spirit. Whatever you want to call it, that voice is always within you. And it always wants to check in with you! It nudges you, whispering for you to feel love, to lead from the heart. That voice, that knowing, is peaceful, present, and wise. It never doubts or fears or has regret. It is always in love, and it always loves you.
I journal every single day. This is a go-to part of my everyday routine, that if I don’t write a page in my journal, my whole day feels off. You can write to your intuition or talk to it vocally. But be sure to remember to breathe and exhale (holding in your breath just keeps you in the chatterbox of the mind) and reconnect with the body. Your mind will tell you you aren’t loved or safe or that there are things you need to fear. But your inner voice, your spirit, is always present and well. When I have questions, I drop my questions to the stomach or the heartspace and I wait for clarity. Sometimes answers come in randomly while I’m doing something but often they will float in like water-droplets in my journal.
Here’s a video where I talk more about this
2. Taking immediate action when my gut says to do so
The second thing that has impacted my life the most is taking immediate action on the downloads that flow in from my inner voice. I started my astrocartography business when I went into meditation and I was guided to “talk about astrocartography.” I was guided spontaneously, randomly, out of nowhere to write a blog post and film a youtube video that day. It didn’t make sense, but I trusted it. And I followed. I took action immediately that day and that ultimately kickstarted my business. That blog post went to the first page of Google and began bringing in clients.
It was the same exact scenario when I was gently guided to buy a used camera on Amazon and start doing photography. That love for documentation helped heal my broken heart after my dad suddenly died when I was 21. I turned to art, creativity, photography and it was the bridge that lead me to plant the seeds that began to grow years later. Or when my photography business suddenly stopped during Covid and I was clearly and vividly told in meditation to “start a Youtube channel and talk about slow living.”
Everytime I receive that guidance, I’m caught guard, surprised by the clear insight given to me.
But still, I go all-in. I trust that knowing. I never doubt it, because I’ve built that relationship with my intuition and seen first-hand how everytime i follow that guidance, it leads to the most magical unfolding. I follow the small steps, taking consistent action, following my excitements and doing that which gives me energy and enthusiasm. I never hold myself back. And even when doubt creeps in, or negative thoughts from my ego start pestering in, I go back to the body. Back to the breath. I exhale and reconnect with that voice. I go back to the journal and I’m guided back to LOVE.
It’s a choice. Everyday is a choice.
Love is a choice.
Your perspective is a choice.
Feel Inspired and Excited for Life!
Recently I was on a human design podcast where I went deep and had the most beautiful conversation with a new friend! Listen in to my story here as I share from my heart on following your authenticity when others disapprove, creating a life you love and debunking classic spiritual manifestation rhetoric. It’s a great episode to listen on your drive, walk or while going about your day.
It is SUCH an inspiring conversation and one that will leave you excited and empowered to FOLLOW your gut.
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I’m sending you so much love, sweet soul. My eggplant parm has just arrived, so I’ll see you soon in the next blog post.
So much love and a big hug!!
How to Get Unstuck: 2 Habits That Have Impacted My Life the Most
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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When you were born, the cosmos handed you a map, revealing magical locations around the world specific to you. This map helps you discover locations to find romance, build a home, grow your career and so much more.
A gorgeously designed hardcover coffee table book with Helena's photographs from around the globe, this practical how-to guide includes everything needed to live a slow, simplified life. For anyone who's ever felt the pressure to do more, be more, achieve more and feels the desire to let go of the busy go-go-go energy of a time we're living in, this book is for you. Free yourself by living slow.
free yourself
Lead from Your Soul & Live Slow
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