Astrologically, 2025 is the year we’re initiating some major, long-term changes in the world.
Today we’re covering what to expect for 2025 with important dates to look out for — mark these dates on your calendar if you want to be extra prepared!
The world is entering a new era from 2025 to 2033. Think big, fast change. And anytime we talk about how the world’s changing, we can see this as exciting or scary. We each have the choice to live in fear or live in confidence.
How will you choose to move forward, kindred spirit?
Confidence vs. fear — there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Anyway, I digress. When we reflect on this chunk of time right now, 2024 will feel like a time of the past, an old-fashioned, outdated way of living life because the advancements in technology, communication, and AI will be revolutionary when we reach 2033. When Uranus leaves Gemini. This is when we’ll look back at this time and think, “Wow, how archaic!”
Objectively reading charts, tracking transits, and using astrology to see how 2025 will unfold, then sharing my findings with you isn’t fear-mongering.
Anytime I show up online as an astrologer, talking openly about the change coming, people fear the worst and claim I’m “fear-mongering.” I think that’s a reflection of how many people in this world live in fear. It’s a mere reflection of people’s psyche, which is really unfortunate and sad.
But like I said, it’s a choice.
I, for one, don’t live in fear. I don’t allow astrological predictions to make me afraid of anything in the future — I remain empowered by the knowledge I receive from charts and transits. It helps me plan accordingly and prepare for the future. On the contrary, looking at the astrology of 2025 and beyond helps me make grounded, informed choices!
2025 asks you to take ownership of your life and your perspective if you want to emerge strong…and unfortunately, if you choose to live in fear or resistance you’re going to fall behind.
Astrology of 2025: The world’s about to speed up and get fast!
My first astrological prediction about 2025 is that the world’s about to get a lot faster thanks to our Air and Fire energy because Pluto’s in Aquarius — the first major transit affecting 2025 and we have other planets enter fire signs.
Think wind speed quickness with a splash of chaotic energy.
Innovation and new industries will grow fast, especially when the summer of 2025 begins.
We haven’t experienced this speed because the generational planet, Pluto, has been in the Earthy sign of Capricorn for many years. This combination of Earth and Water energy feels sluggish, more grounded, and structured. Literal structures, systems within government, or real estate. Or even the collapse of the real estate industry, homes, the government, corporations, and any other deep structural things.
Think of the rise in technology (and the bad that comes with that too. No, this might not be smooth sailing.) and emerging innovation in almost every industry. Will we see cures for cancer? Will we find amazing new cures for diseases or fast medical advancement?
I believe so! And that’s what I’m hoping for.
Astrology of 2025: Aliens and AI
Pluto in Aquarius will also spark mainstream, collective conversations about alien life, UFOs, and topics about extraterrestrial life. I also think we’re stepping into the AI revolution and the rise of robots.
Will robots help people out with their daily tasks like grocery shopping?
Pluto in Aquarius is a massively, big deal. And we’re in this for the next 20 years.
(I’m 30 years old right now, so I’ll be 50 when we get out of this transit. That’s a long time!)
Pluto in Aquarius Predictions
Here’s the thing about Pluto — it represents the darkness, the underbelly, the things that lie beneath the surface, transformation, and letting go. Now with Pluto in Aquarius, we’ll be asking what darkness will unfold as a result of technology? What dark things will be exposed when AI gets out of hand? What happens if robots take over our jobs? How do we discern what’s real and what’s fake?
There’s a variety of possibilities and outcomes that could happen.
Important astrological dates in 2025:
Here’s some dates and timelines you should be aware of for 2025:
☽ In January, the Nodes enter Pisces and Virgo.
So increase opportunity in Pisces themes, wherever you have Pisces placements in your birth chart. And a decrease in Virgo themes, wherever you have Virgo in your birth chart.
The Neptune line on the Astrocartography map of the United States slices right through Florida, the Carolinas, and Georgia. When we had that Eclipse in September 2024, it activated that energy and we experienced intense hurricanes — that’s a preview of what may coming in 2025.
I’m concerned about anyone living in Florida, Georgia, or the Carolinas, because of that Neptune line and the Eclipses in Pisces.
Climate 2025 PREDICTIONS
Dates to watch out for natural disasters are March 14th, 29th, and September 8 and 21st.
☽ March 2025 initiates a very potent Eclipse season.
I love this quote from the amazing astrologer SJ Anderson, he said “Eclipses are accelerators of Fate” and I love that phrase so much.
What doors open and close in your life around March 14th and 29th are very important on a personal level, but also for the collective.
☽ Saturn enters Aries on May 25th.
Not gonna lie, I’m not looking forward to Saturn in Aries since Saturn’s in its fall here. Essentially what this means is Saturn doesn’t do well in this sign. Aries wants to go fast, be courageous, and take action. Saturn wants slow, measured progress — there’s a sense of wanting to move fast, but needing to slow down.
There might be delays, or things just moving sluggishly except for any of you Pisces placements, Sagittarius risings, Virgo placements, or Gemini placements! You’ll get a nice little breather from May 24 to September 11, because Saturn’s leaving Pisces, which will give you a refreshing break from that hard Saturn transit the Mutable personal placements have been going through.
Astrology of 2025: The Early Beginnings of Global Conflict and Possibly War Years
☽ Neptune enters Aries on March 30.
In literal terms, this transit can see war, fighting, and aggressive conflict. These are conflict years we’re entering with Neptune in Aries especially when Uranus enters Gemini. The US most likely will be involved in some sort of conflict, whether it’s civil unrest or civil war, revolution or it’s external war with an outside country….possibly Syria.
Astrology of 2026 and Syria
Using to find Syria’s De Facto chart, I noticed there is a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Gemini just like America’s sign based conjunction in Gemini.
There will be a similar activation during the time the USA has some major transits in the summer of 2026, with Uranus in Gemini, and then Mars entering the chat.
Collective Shift with Neptune in Aries
The literal translation of this symbolism (war) I’m not looking forward to at all.
But the metaphorical? I’m eager to see how this affects our collective counsciousness.
There’s a lot of ways Neptune in Aries can play out and we won’t know what it’s about until the upcoming months when we get that very first preview.
But the energy I’m looking forward to with Neptune Aries is the fighting spirit and self-empowerment because I’m so OVER Neptune in Pisces. Don’t get me wrong, Neptune in Pisces was wonderful in terms of empathy, compassion, and sensitivity towards other people and feelings, but Neptune in Pisces does have this kind of swampy, stuck-in-mud energy.
There is this wallowing, self-pity and perpetual victim-mindset that Neptune in Pisces can get lost and I personally can’t deal. As a Mars in Aries, action is everything. And while I’m not looking forward to Neptune (and SATURN!) being in Aries for my chart….yikes. I am curious about how this will change our collective mindset and approach. It’s time to wake sleeping beauty up and make self-accountability cool again.
☽ Summer 2025 Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9.
Jupiter’s exalted (aka thriving and happy) in Cancer. Very joyous. OH Am I excited for this shift!
What are some things I’m expecting?
Growth, and opportunity in themes around relocation, finding a home, family, and seeking nourishment in finding your home and laying foundations. I have to tell you, 2025’s a nice year in terms of faith, optimism, growth, and opportunity.
Especially May, June, July, and August, they’re fabulous months if you’re planning to launch something big or make any bold moves!
☽ Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, 2025, and stays until 2033. This is huge.
I’m excited about Uranus in Gemini — think new social media, new ways of communicating and connecting online, and futuristic technology. I’m most excited ( I literally get flustered thinking about this because it’s my lifelong dream!) about cars, new types of travel, and massive changes in transportation. Teleportation perhaps? Super-fast bullet trains across the globe? Flying cars?
Facebook and Instagram will be things of the past. Virtual reality will sweep the world. Astrocartography will be mainstream and used by many people to plan and time their travels.
Astrology of 2025: the year where everything begins
2024 was the year where we wrapped up all these themes from the past years, 2008-2020’s. This new year of 2025 marks a new era. The very start of an intense, high-energy beginning.
If I can give you some advice I’d say be adaptable to change. If you stay stuck or refuse to be flexible and open-minded, you’re going to get left behind.
If jobs change because of AI being everywhere or there’s different ways of doing things that you haven’t done before — trust yourself and stay adaptable.
My second tip? Decide, right now, you’re not going to live in fear of the sweeping changes coming. Instead, take this cosmic knowledge and newfound energy to prepare for your future.
Thirdly, start thinking about where you want to live when all this stuff starts happening. Do you want to buy a house? Do you want land? Do you want the freedom to go and rent instead (what I’ll be doing).
Mars is Retrograde in Cancer at the beginning of 2025 — it’s a slow time to plan and prepare how to get the f*ck out and relocate somewhere with much better energy for you using astrocartography. Then, as we get into the Spring and Summer, things will start picking up speed a lot.
But remember, Summer has gorgeous astrology to literally make big movesthanks to Jupiter in Cancer!
I hope my 2025 archetypal astrological predictions made you aware of the fact that there’s gonna be lots of changes, which might feel a little hectic and chaotic. Just stay grounded, always listen to your intuitionfirst, meditate, and regulate your nervous system when things feel sticky.
Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others.
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